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Past Finalists and Winners

The prospectuses and presentations of Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge finalists are not only a great reference for participating students, but are an evolving record of the evolution of the field of sustainable finance, and, in some cases, early iterations of what have now become successful ventures. 

Click through each year below to see the prospectuses and final presentations that were deemed the strongest in that year of the competition.

2011  •  2012  •  2013  •  2014  •  2015  •  2016  •  2017  •  2018  •  2019

 2020  •  2021  •  2022  •  2023  •  2024

University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business

2016 Winner
Terra Limpa

Increasing private investment in agriculture in Angola to revitalize land productivity, eliminate landmines and create a new class of smallholder farmers.

University of Virginia, Darden School of Business

2016 Runner-up
Red Ribbon Fund

A pay for performance instrument to support improved treatment adherence by HIV/AIDS affected people in the U.S.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School

2016 Finalist
Biogriculture Fund

Investments in the channels and technology essential to insect farming in China, addressing the need for sustainable income and food productivity.

Harvard University, Harvard Business School; Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School

2016 Finalist
Agua Potavel Infrastructure Fund

Fueling a public-private infrastructure fund to provide households with clean water and sewage treatment in Brazil.

London Business School

2016 Finalist
Refugee Integration Fund

Using microfinance to support refugee entrepreneurs in the European Union and the overall financial inclusion of refugees in destination countries.

University of Navarra, IESE Business School

2016 Finalist
Clean Capital

SE Business School, University of Navarra.

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management

2016 Finalist
AlphaBrick Capital

Scaling the resale and reuse value stream of the building materials derived from deconstruction projects, addressing urban blight and landfill shortages in the US.

Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)

2016 Finalist
Global Agricultural Insurance for All

Parametric weather-based insurance employed to shield farmers in Thailand from the impacts of climate change on farming outputs and revenue flows.

Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB), School of Business

2016 Finalist
Double Green Cores Funds

An investor-driven package focused on the use of biodrying to provide sustainable waste management and power production in Indonesia.

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Post Graduate Program in Management

2016 Finalist
Clean India Structured Notes

Using leveraged investment in public-private collaborations to change waste-management in India across transportation, segregation, treatment and value generation.

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