Past Finalists and Winners
The prospectuses and presentations of Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge finalists are not only a great reference for participating students, but are an evolving record of the evolution of the field of sustainable finance, and, in some cases, early iterations of what have now become successful ventures.
Click through each year below to see the prospectuses and final presentations that were deemed the strongest in that year of the competition.
Harvard University, Harvard Business School; MIT, Sloan School of Management; Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
2018 Finalist
Equity of Opportunity Fund
Stimulating employment and economic development in low-income U.S. communities by funding searchers to acquire healthy small businesses in Opportunity Zones defined in recent Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Indian Institute of Management Raipur
2018 Finalist
Loan fund invested in equity/government bond markets to generate start-up financing or vocational school tuition to generate increased financial inclusion and, entrepreneurship, and/or alternative employment opportunities to women engaged in prostitution in India.