Be a Judge
The Sustainable Investing Challenge can only exist with the support of the investing community at large. Each year over 50 volunteer experts score our student submissions, provide constructive feedback, and help determine who will advance to the finals.
If you have experience evaluating financial vehicles and want to contribute to the future of the field, apply now.
First Round Judging
The first round of the Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge is judged electronically. We are looking for professionals with experience evaluating financial vehicles across an array of asset classes.
First round judges review several two-page investment prospectuses and provide a numerical score and qualitative feedback for each submission based on a provided rubric. Judges have approximately one week to submit their scores after receiving student prospectuses. The approximate time commitment is 2 hours.

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Final Round Judging
Judging at the finals competition is by invitation only. We are fortunate and grateful to have had many of the leading figures of impact investing and sustainable finance share their expertise with the next generation of leaders.
If you have a suggestion for a final round judge, feel free to reach out via email.